Miraculous in the Mundane in Cocoa Beach FL!

Miraculous in the Mundane in Cocoa Beach FL!

Miraculous in the Mundane in Cocoa Beach FL!

There's a miraculous story I think of in Cocoa Beach FL that I'd like to share. So the story goes a man is walking along the sea shore and he notices all the star fish that washed up on the beach, but doesn’t think much of it. He just tries to avoid them as he goes for a walk. Soon after his observation, he sees another man picking up a star fish and throwing it back into the ocean. As he approaches the man throwing the star fish back into the ocean he says to him, “What are you doing?”

The man replies, “I am throwing star fish back into the ocean.”

The first man says, “Why would you do that?”

The man throwing the star fish replies, “So they can live.”

The first man then says, “Look at all the star fish, you can’t possibly save them all. So why does it matter?”

Chiropractic Cocoa Beach FL Starfish

As the man picks up another starfish and throws it back into the water he replies, “It matters to that one!” and picks up another…

How This Story Relates to Chiropractic in Cocoa Beach FL

This story reminds me of the beauty of chiropractic. “Cracking backs” all day can look a little mundane from the outside. Chiropractic is simple because it restores the God-given life potential of human beings' nervous system. What more in health could one ask for? Restoring the natural with a natural, hands-on approach. No drug, surgery, pill, potion, or exercise can do what chiropractic can do.

Life restored you ask? Tell that to the person who could barely get his shoes on this morning without his wife’s help that now after being adjusted can bend over and touch his toes without flinching. That is life restored.

Or the mom that has a headache so bad she can’t function and needs to get her kids off to school. She comes in to get adjusted so she can take care of her kids after school. That is life restored.

Take the parents of a newborn who has colic. They desperately try chiropractic and after baby is adjusted she sleeps through the night and so do mom and dad. That is life restored. That to me is miraculous. Miraculous in the mundane!

So I thank you for your referrals to help me throw star fish back into the ocean, because it matters to that one.

No need for an appointment. Just walk-in at Walk-In Chiropractic in Cocoa Beach, FL and Dr. Bret Glas will take care of you. I check spines of all ages from womb to tomb. It's chiropractic all the way!

“I Align Spines & Minds with the Divine to Help People Feel Fine!”


10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm


10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 2:00pm


10:00am - 2:00pm

Walk-In Chiropractic

2001 N Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931

(321) 290-6532