It’s Not Magic in Cocoa Beach FL

It's Not Magic in Cocoa Beach FL

It’s Not Magic in Cocoa Beach FL

Yesterday I had a patient in Cocoa Beach FL say to me after she got adjusted, “It still hurts right here though.”

As many of you can only imagine what was to be said, I did say, “It’s not magic!”

Chiropractic is not magic!

We all laughed.

Injuries Take Time to Heal in Cocoa Beach FL

I then thought of how often people think chiropractic is magic. SORRY! It’s not! When the adjustment is given sometimes there is immediate relief. Sometimes and really most times there is not. When you have underlying damage then receive a chiropractic adjustment it will take time for the tissues inside to heal. Healing on the inside is no different than on the outside if you were to cut yourself. It takes time to heal.

Chiropractic Cocoa Beach FL Magic Mickey

My kids always want a Band-Aid when they get a cut of any kind, like the Band-Aid is magic. Well we all know they are not. It takes time for your skin to heal. Just like with an adjustment your body inside takes time to heal.

It takes time to regenerate and rebuild a healthy muscle, tendon, ligament, and other tissues, just as it does skin or any other organ. We don’t always get it our way, pain-free. It’s not magic!

Get Regular Check-Ups

Stay adjusted regularly! If you do, you’ll then see the way it should be. Restored function over time. Just stop in today at Walk-In Chiropractic, no appointment needed.

When you get adjusted when you don’t need to you most likely won’t need to get adjusted!

Enuf said,

Dr. Bret

P.S. PLEASE take a few minutes to write a RAVING 5 Star review on Google!


10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm


10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 2:00pm


10:00am - 2:00pm

Walk-In Chiropractic

2001 N Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931

(321) 290-6532