I Hear “It’s from old age…” A Lot in Cocoa Beach FL

I Hear “It’s from old age…” A Lot in Cocoa Beach FL

I Hear “It’s from old age…” A Lot in Cocoa Beach FL


I hear this so often in my practice in Cocoa Beach FL that if I had a dollar for every time I heard this I’d pay cash for this $115,000.00 JEEP…

Chiropractic Cocoa Beach FL Jeep

Pretty cool, huh?

The point is this comment is a bunch of BULL! We could line up a group of 30 year olds and they would all feel differently about how they feel and their age. Some would feel younger some would feel older. We could do the same for 50 year old’s or even 60 year old’s or any age.

Age isn't the only factor in Cocoa Beach FL

Reality is that it has nothing to do with age. It has everything to do with compounding or accumulating all the stupid, toxic and deficient stuff you and I have done in our lifetime which outweighs all the positive, constructive things we have accumulated over our lifetime.

Just like this scale. The lower end is the either good and constructive or bad and toxic accumulation of life. The higher end is the opposite.

The cool thing is, YOU GET TO DECIDE! For most of us unfortunately, we decided 20 or 30 or more years ago. This is why I think ALL kids should be under regular chiropractic care!

Now we wonder why. We call it “old age”.


Chiropractic Cocoa Beach FL Scale

Reality is that you beat yourself up for the last 40-50 years and want it all fixed with one or two adjustments and that just ain’t gonna happen! It will take time and repetition to restore some sort of normal to your body.

Here are a few examples to help you understand what is toxic and deficient. What’s on your list? Write it down and let me know when you come in. I am keeping a list…


  • Motorcycle injuries
  • Car accidents
  • Sleeping wrong
  • Medications
  • Booze/Alcohol
  • Overuse of your body
  • Sitting
  • Anxiety/Dis-stress
  • Sugar
  • Bad carbs
  • S.A.D. (Standard American Diet)


  • Not enough water
  • Not enough exercise
  • Not enough rest
  • Not enough quiet moments
  • Not enough fruits and vegetables

You have to do your part by removing the toxicities and make up for the deficiencies if you truly want to be healthy. Regular adjustments will help combat the toxicities and deficiencies you have accumulated over your lifetime! If you do get regular adjustments, you’ll begin to restore function over time. Just stop in today at Walk-In Chiropractic, no appointment needed.

When you get adjusted when you don’t need to you most likely won’t need to get adjusted!

Enuf said,
Dr. Bret


10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm


10:00am - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 2:00pm


10:00am - 2:00pm

Walk-In Chiropractic

2001 N Atlantic Ave
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931

(321) 290-6532